The following is a recommendation of a reading order for the novels that are set in and/or interact with the post-Nemesis era of Star Trek. This includes the ongoing adventures in the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise lines, along with spin-off series Titan and adventures of the USS Aventine.
This is based roughly on the idea that you want to read adventures mostly in the order they are set, however in some instances the publication order is different and it makes sense to read them slightly out of 'chronological' order.
Feel free to leave feedback, comments, or discussion on my books forum.
- The Good That Men Do
- Kobayashi Maru
- Beneath the Raptor's Wing
- To Brave the Storm
- Death in Winter
- Taking Wing
- Resistance
- Q&A
- Before Dishonour
- The Red King
- Orion's Hounds
- Articles of the Federation
- Greater than the Sum
- Sword of Damocles
- Gods of Night
- Mere Mortals
- Lost Souls
- Watching the Clock
- Losing the Peace
- Over a Torrent Sea
- Full Circle
- Unworthy
- Children of the Storm
- A Singular Destiny
- Synthesis
- Zero Sum Game
- Seize the Fire
- Rough Beasts of Empire
- Paths of Disharmony
- Fallen Gods
- The Struggle Within
- Indistinguishable from Magic
- Forgotten History
- Plagues of Night
- Protectors
- Absent Enemies
- Raise the Dawn
- The Eternal Tide
- Brinkmanship
- The Persistence of Memory
- Silent Weapons
- The Body Electric
- The Stuff of Dreams
- A Choice of Futures
- A Ceremony of Losses
- The Crimson Shadow
- Revelation and Dust
- The Poisoned Chalice
- Peaceable Kingdoms
- Tower of Babel
- The Light Fantastic
- Love's Latinum Lost (and Found)
- Q Are Cordially Uninvited
- Acts of Contrition
- Disavowed
- The Collectors
- The Missing
- Takedown
- Uncertain Logic
- Armageddon's Arrow
- Sacraments of Fire
- Atonement
- Sight Unseen
- Ascendance
- A Pocket Full of Lies
- Live By The Code
- Force and Motion
- Rules of Accusation
- Hell's Heart
- The Jackal's Trick
- The Hall of Heroes
- Headlong Flight
- The Long Mirage
- Control
- Hearts and Minds
- Enigma Tales
- Original Sin
- I, The Constable
- Fortune of War
- Architects of Infinity
- Available Light
- Collateral Damage
- To Lose The Earth
- Moments Asunder
- The Ashes of Tomorrow