Just Like Jennings

Anthony Buckeridge

Just Like Jennings
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ISBN: 978075510170


When Jennings and Darbishire happen upon a mysterious stranger, they are determined to prove he is a spy. Armed with a lemonade bottle and some chalk dust, their attempts to turn detective go astray, much to the amusement of the other schoolboys. Then, the appearance of an abominable snow-cat and that unfortunate incident with Mr Wilkins' antique vases. It's going to be difficult to stay out of trouble this term; but isn't that just like Jennings?

Reviewed on 23rd May 2012

Just Like Jennings is one of the entries in Anthony Buckeridge's series that I didn't have as a child. Clearly it was revised and republished sometime in the 00s, and that's the edition I've just read - despite the caption at the front of my copy that claims it's the original text.

It's classic Jennings, perhaps the adventures are slightly tamer compared to some of the books, but that gives it a more charming and believable nature.

One thing that stands out about this book in particular is the amount of time spent away from the school - almost all the books are split into three consecutive adventures, and all three here involve trips into the surrounding countryside or nearby village.

I didn't find it quite as laugh-out-loud funny as some of the earlier books - however this didn't let me down at all as the pleasure of reading new stories about some brilliant characters was enough.

I'm really surprised these books are generally out of print. I loved them as a child and I can't imagine that the modern audience, brought up on boarding school tales of Harry Potter, wouldn't find them just as delightful.

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