Hunting for Hidden Gold
ISBN: 044808905X
In tracing some stolen gold the trail leads the boys to an abandoned mine, and there things start to happen.
Reviewed on 18th October 2014
Book five of the original Hardy Boys series of adventure novels for children (originally teens) sees the pair of brothers head out into the wilds of America to help out their injured father on a case he's investigating. My copy is the UK 'translation' of the 1963 revised text.
This is the first book which is set completely away from the Hardy's hometown of Bayport, and it's a nice change of pace to not get the same cast of characters to help them out. There are a range of good guest characters, although I found I lost track of who some of them were meant to be. The change of pace with the rural setting does make the book feel more dated than the more city-style stories.
Overall another good adventure, through there have been better earlier books in the series.