Jim's Books

Tricky Business

Franklin W Dixon

Tricky Business
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ISBN: 9780671649739


When Jimmy Quayle is accused of attempted murder, Frank and Joe decide to infiltrate the business where he worked, Trusty teens, in order to prove his innocence.

Reviewed on 26th June 2022

Another story in the mid-80s revamp of the Hardy Boys sees the brothers investigating a pyramid scheme exploiting teenagers in Bayport.

The plot is quite an interesting one, with a lot going on and lots to investigate.

The increased richness of the world continues, with lots of the incidental characters gaining more of their own social lives. This does however lead to a slightly suspect aspect of the story which is that loads of the familiar characters the boys might turn to for help are on holiday at the moment.

One of the biggest changes though is that when Chet is fat-shamed by another character, it’s portrayed as a really bad thing to do - totally reversing the attitude of the books from now long earlier.

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