Jim's Books

The Mystery of Monster Mountain

M. V. Carey

The Mystery of Monster Mountain
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ISBN: 9780006920595


The Three Investigators uncover a strange story of deception and intrigue when they holiday at a ski village. But high in the wild mountains weirder mysteries await them.

Reviewed on 12th November 2023

The 3 Investigators, now in the middle of their series of adventures, head away from their usual haunts on a camping trip, and to visit a cousin of their friends/employees.

It’s a classic mystery story where there’s a lot going on and a lot to investigate, with homemade technology, shifty characters all over the place, and an element of the supernatural to freak things up a bit.

I felt that some of the elements were maybe a tad too obvious, but then I have to remember the target audience haven’t been reading mysteries for anything like as long as me, and these are serving to introduce them to the genre.

A good contribution to the series.

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