Jim's Books

The Spendthrift and the Swallow

Ambrose Parry

The Spendthrift and the Swallow
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When Cora Carlton, socialite and wife of a free-spending entrepreneur, dies suddenly on New Year's Eve, the knives are out for her physician, the esteemed Dr James Young Simpson. Determined to separate medical fact from malicious rumour, Simpson’s protege Dr Will Raven and aspiring medical practitioner Sarah Fisher traverse the heights of society and the depths of the underworld to uncover a grisly truth.

Reviewed on 16th July 2023

A short story I somehow didn’t discover when it was published, this seems to fit somewhere maybe between the third and fourth books in the series.

It’s very short, and sees our favourite medical detective team of the 1800s looking briefly into a local death.

I suppose my main thinking is that I don’t understand why it’s a thing. It’s so short and feels like it must just be a publicity thing for the new book… but to someone who has been reading along already it just feels oddly lacking.

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