Jim's Books

What Could Possibly Go Wrong

Jodi Taylor

What Could Possibly Go Wrong
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ISBN: 9781472264442


With great privilege comes great responsibility, something Max knows only too well, and as newly appointed Chief Training Officer at the St Mary's Institute of Historical Research, it's up to her to drum this guiding principle into her five new recruits. With a training programme that includes Joan of Arc, an illegal mammoth, a duplicitous Father of History, a bombed rat, Stone Age hunters and Dick the Turd, the question everyone is asking themselves is - what could possibly go wrong?

Reviewed on 24th November 2024

Book six of St Mary’s - by this point I have thoroughly lost track of everything that’s happened, but fortunately the book does a good job of reminding me of all the important things. I also have no sense of how much time has passed in the series so far, but again I don’t think that really matters.

This time out, Maxwell has been put on light duties and is covering as training officer, and we get to meet her first class of trainee historians as they learn what it’s like to live amongst the chaos of St Mary’s.

it’s a fun adventure, fast paced with a lot going on, balanced with a surprising amount of emotion and brutal tragedy, which is generally how this series goes. I enjoyed the set of new characters and seeing their quirks and interactions, and somehow do always feel that I’ve actually learned something about history along the way.

Good fun, and a nice mental palate cleanser between more serious stories.

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