Jim's Books

Second Son

Lee Child

Second Son
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Ever wondered what early experiences shaped Reacher's explosive career as butt-kicker supreme, the one-man guided-missile battler for justice? In this original new short story, Lee Child looks back on an incident in his hero Jack Reacher's teenage years as the younger son of a tough career US Marine, on a faraway military base in the Pacific.

Reviewed on 25th June 2012

Second Son is a very short story about Lee Child's character Jack Reacher when he was thirteen years old. The writing style differs little from that of his usual novels though the e-book medium and young protagonist give it the feel of reading a 'Young Adult' novel.

The plot concerns a single incident in Reacher's childhood while living with his family in Japan. As a story, it is likely of little interest to anyone but a fan of the series, and I wonder whether it might have been published to test the water and see if there might be a market for 'Young Reacher' novels.

I enjoyed it, despite it only being a thirty minute read, and would be happy to read more about the character's childhood.

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