Board Moderator
Posts: 48
12th November 2009, 04:38 |
Hooray, 2 victories here! Shastrix shows up on Firefox, and I got the beta site put up for public view. If the earlier comment I left doesn't ever show up, here's the link again:
Unregistered User (Ignotus hospes)
Posts: 1
12th November 2009, 12:41 |
Hooray indeed!
Site Owner
Posts: 386
13th November 2009, 03:09 |
Don't know why, but the comments thread somehow didn't attach to this comic... fixed now, but let me know if it happens again!
B.T. Isaac
Posts: 346
19th November 2009, 03:15 |
It happened again on my comic.
Site Owner
Posts: 386
19th November 2009, 04:52 |
Okay, putting my investigating hat on.
Site Owner
Posts: 386
19th November 2009, 05:02 |
Okay, I've found a line of code that may be at fault due to differences in how some browsers treat variables... I've fixed it, so hopefully the problem should go away. If not though I'll get my investigating hat back again. (Would be interesting to know what browsers you were all using when it failed though).
B.T. Isaac
Posts: 346
22nd November 2009, 05:35 |
Firefox all the way
B.T. Isaac
Posts: 346
25th November 2009, 23:27 |
Oh. It's still not fixed.
Site Owner
Posts: 386
26th November 2009, 01:49 |
Indeed it is not. I'm fairly tired but I have freed myself form other commitments this evening so will go and investigate.
Site Owner
Posts: 386
26th November 2009, 02:38 |
Okay, found a line of code that was missing... I'm not entirely sure how it can have ever worked without that line, which makes me wonder how the site has worked until now :s