Little Lynx (Lynx lynx)
Posts: 97
10th August 2006, 13:20 |
Is it just me, or is Shastrix turning into more of a hosting site for webcomics than a personal thing? I mean, first we had Keenfans, now we've got Ninephase, and SHiNG showed up at some point (although it's not listed with the other two for reasons unknown); now it even has forums!
Not that this is a bad thing, of course. I think it's rather shiny.
Site Owner
Posts: 92
10th August 2006, 14:26 |
When I started the site on *checks about page* the 6th May 2004, it was really lacking a purpose. I'm not really a fan of personal websites and have only relatively recently started my blog; so rather than create a 'myspace-esque' monstrosity, Jim and I have been looking at ways of making this place useful.
The blogs were Jim's idea, and aren't really being used as much as they could be. I write whenever I can (with varying degrees of success), the same goes for Jim. Matt doesn't have an internet connection at the moment, Aimée and previosuly Damien have gone off the idea, Daffyd is trying harder, and Kitten... well his journal wasjust assimalted so he didn't have much choice in the matter.
The focus of the site is now to provide free, ad-less hosting for a few comics; the forums are merely an extension of the commenting system for more coherant discussion. I can't remember what we caculated to be the maximum webcomics we could support but we are no where near that number. So yes, we shall see how things develop.
Must dash, I have to be at work in 30 minutes :(
Site Owner
Posts: 386
10th August 2006, 15:38 |
"I mean, first we had Keenfans, now we've got Ninephase, and SHiNG showed up at some point"
Well, technically first we had Pluto Wars and then Team Nexus - Keenfans has never lived here ;)
Also, SHiNG was here before Ninephase, however it hasn't been officially launched yet - it's just a 'teaser comic of doom', although I hear rumours that it will be with us shortly, at which point it will get a link on the front page.
Site Owner
Posts: 386
10th August 2006, 16:56 |
Okay, S.H.i.N.G. is here now.
Little Lynx (Lynx lynx)
Posts: 97
10th August 2006, 20:57 |
I meant Team Nexus ^^;
Odd Ocelot (Leopardus pardarlis)
Posts: 68
8th September 2006, 03:20 |
Y'know (I know, bad GA for doing threadcromancy) I think it'd be kinda cool to see KeenFans here...
Site Moderator
Posts: 209
8th September 2006, 19:05 |
I'm trying to put keenfans up on a comicgenesis site.
Odd Ocelot (Leopardus pardarlis)
Posts: 68
9th September 2006, 01:34 |
Ah, I see. Didn't know. Or maybe I did and then forgot. Either way... didn't know that at posting-time.
Site Owner
Posts: 386
14th September 2006, 17:12 |
Once I get out of this hospital I shall see to getting KeenFans here.
Little Lynx (Lynx lynx)
Posts: 97
18th September 2006, 10:36 |
Hospital? What happened to you?
Site Owner
Posts: 92
21st September 2006, 17:39 |
Hello, posting on behalf of Jim here (I don't think he'll mind me divulging his medical status)...
He had actually escaped from hospital, but they've readmitted him; something to do with chronic gastritis and an apparent twisty blockage somewhere. He's booked in for a CT scan today and perhaps on to some happy laoparoscopy either later today or tomorrow.
He felt somewhat left out as he didn't have as many 'Get Well Soon' cards as the gentleman next to him in the last ward he stayed in; so if any of you would like to make some 'e-cards' I'm sure they'll cheer him up.
Site Owner
Posts: 92
21st September 2006, 17:45 |
Oh, and regarding the KeenFans stuff... It's all here on Jim's laptop and is halfway complete. With Jim being hospitalised at the moment progress is slow as I'm not really confident in playing around with the database. Hopefully it won't be too long, but the timeframe depends on when he is relased and how comfortable he is either dictating the work for me to do or sitting at the computer to finish it off himself.
Site Moderator
Posts: 209
21st September 2006, 20:51 |
I'll have to send over the most recent comics at some point.