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Post history in Review of Absent Enemies

Site Owner

Posts: 386
   16th March 2014, 01:56
Hi Donnie,

Thank for the comment about Slings and Arrows - I've been wondering myself whether it's worth getting them to read through, and now I know I don't have to!

Of the more recent ebooks, I thought James Swallow's was good as well as Bennett's. I didn't keep up with Vanugard at all, so didn't bother with that one.

There are some interesting-sounding ebooks coming up in the next year or so: Terry Erdman and Paula Block's DS9 Quark story, Christopher L Bennett's got a DTI novella coming, and there will be a TNG Q story - so I certainly don't think I'm going to be able to stop buying them!

Site Owner

Posts: 386
   16th March 2014, 01:57
Hi Donnie,

Thanks for the comment about Slings and Arrows - I've been wondering myself whether it's worth getting them to read through, and now I know I don't have to!

Of the more recent ebooks, I thought James Swallow's was good as well as Bennett's. I didn't keep up with Vanugard at all, so didn't bother with that one.

There are some interesting-sounding ebooks coming up in the next year or so: Terry Erdman and Paula Block's DS9 Quark story, Christopher L Bennett's got a DTI novella coming, and there will be a TNG Q story - so I certainly don't think I'm going to be able to stop buying them!

Post history in Review of Absent Enemies