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Post history in Remember me (as an option on the user login)

Site Owner

Posts: 386
   17th August 2010, 17:35
Yes, sorry. I deleted a line of code which I shouldn't have, which was mixed in with some lines I intended to delete.

Will fix when I get home.

Site Owner

Posts: 386
   17th August 2010, 17:37
Yes, sorry. I deleted a line of code which I shouldn't have, which was mixed in with some lines I intended to delete.

Will fix when I get home.

Edit: actually, thinking about it, I may have deliberately deleted it having thought I'd written another line that did the same thing. Clearly I haven't written said other line though.

Site Owner

Posts: 386
   17th August 2010, 19:40
Yes, sorry. I deleted a line of code which I shouldn't have, which was mixed in with some lines I intended to delete.

Will fix when I get home.

Edit: actually, thinking about it, I may have deliberately deleted it having thought I'd written another line that did the same thing. Clearly I haven't written said other line though.

Edit 2: Okay, I think I've put the offending line of code back in now. Please let me know if not.

Post history in Remember me (as an option on the user login)