Harriet S Adams

Recently reviewed

The Mystery of the Aztec Warrior

Franklin W Dixon & Harriet S Adams

Reviewed on 22nd December 2020

The forty-third novel in the original Hardy Boys series was marketed in the UK as book one - and so every time I’ve read this before (as a child without Wikipedia) I had assumed it to be the first book.

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The Tower Treasure

Franklin W Dixon, Leslie McFarlane & Harriet S Adams

Reviewed on 21st September 2014

I recently discovered that the UK publisher's order numbering on the Hardy Boys novels that I read voraciously as a child was completely fictional compared to the order they were originally published in. The Tower Treasure had been labelled '31', but is in fact the first book in the series, and reading it again today (some twenty years later), it definitely comes across as being an introduction to the characters, their world, and indeed being their first adventure.

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