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Post history in Enigma Tales

Witty Wildcat
(Felis sylvestris)

Posts: 29
   30th July 2017, 11:41
Cheers, Jim,rnrnI\\'m so glad you reviewed, and clearly loved, Una\\'s book as much as I did. I laughed, I teared up, and marveled throughout the book. What a thoroughly satisfying read that kept me on the edge, wondering what is really going on and whether Gara\\'s hand was behind any of it. And following Control, which was also a tour-de-force. I look forward to what is next for Julian and Garak and Cardassia.
Witty Wildcat
(Felis sylvestris)

Posts: 29
   30th July 2017, 11:42
Cheers, Jim, I'm so glad you reviewed, and clearly loved, Una's book as much as I did. I laughed, teared up, and marveled throughout the book. What a thoroughly satisfying read that kept me on the edge, wondering what is really going on and whether Garak's hand was behind any of it. And following Control, which was also a tour-de-force. I look forward to what is next for Julian and Garak and Cardassia.
Post history in Enigma Tales