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Post history in Forums in IE (affects all other browsers too though)

Site Owner

Posts: 386
   4th June 2007, 17:09
Progress Report

All sections of the site have now been updated to reflect the changes in sign in. I am about to remove the code for the old sign in completely. I will leave the old sign out code for now so that it can be used to clear any remaining data on anyone's systems.

All that remains is to make the 'remember me' function work. At the moment, if you tick the box, it will do what is needed to remember you - however at the moment the code to then interpret that and recognise you when you return is not in place - I will do this later today, but I fancy a little break now .
Site Owner

Posts: 386
   4th June 2007, 17:11
Progress Report

All sections of the site have now been updated to reflect the changes in sign in. I am about to remove the code for the old sign in completely. I will leave the old sign out code for now so that it can be used to clear any remaining data on anyone's systems.

All that remains is to make the 'remember me' function work. At the moment, if you tick the box, it will do what is needed to remember you - however at the moment the code to then interpret that and recognise you when you return is not in place - I will do this later today, but I fancy a little break now .

Edit: Also, I am not perfect, and so there may be typos in my code - if anyone encounters any anomolies, please let me know!
Post history in Forums in IE (affects all other browsers too though)