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2009-06-22 - Khatru 38 - FrankenRanger 06

Artist Comment
Sorry this took so long. I've had a little bit more on my plate these past few weeks, social-calender-wise. Friends coming to town, going out with work friends, stuff like that. Plus this weekend was our town's annual Heritage Festival, so I was basically downtown the entire weekend. It was fun, but it wasn't really the best mood for comic-making. Plus, this comic took me about 3 tries to get going. I had to cobble together it from 3 different pieces of paper to find the best usable material. Which is lacking, I admit. I do have three or four more pages of script written, and most of the next comic in pencils, so I'd have to be pretty lazy not to get a comic up this week. What's that dad? Paint the house? Man.....