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2009-04-16 - Announcement 4/16/09
I hate to spring this on you, but I need to put Khatru on hiatus for anywhere from a week to a month. My college workload is heavy enough right now that I don't even have time to draw three lousy panels to finish up last week's half-a-comic. I need to eliminate a couple of obligations to free up processing power in my brain for the rest of them. As much as I'd like it to be, Khatru isn't my highest priority right now, since it doesn't directly affect my future career like my classes and internship do. I hope that I'll be able to steal a little bit of time to draw and edit, but I just don't have enough time in my budget to do Khatru, film TV packages, produce professional-quality news stories for my internship, write papers for my sociology classes, plan and administrate campus-wide events for the Residential Housing Association, research and write a five-minute segment of a group project, write up a plan to 'fix my attitude', keep up with laundry and dishes and sleep at the same time without going absolutely bat-guano crazy. And nobody wants that.

So I'll see you in a couple of weeks, or sooner, if this turns out to be one of my paranoid over-reaching declarations. If my schedule lightens up in the next few weeks, I might stick my foot in my mouth and eat this whole announcement. Which would be difficult, since I'm not flexible and the internet isn't a tangible substance that I can consume.

I just need to keep telling myself: Only 3 weeks left. Only 3 weeks left. Only 3 weeks left? Where the hell'd this year go?!?